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September 26, 2023

Explore: Check Out Discount Marketplace Holiday Deals and Savings

If you’ve been online or at stores to do holiday shopping, you may be having a bit of sticker shock. Recent surveys predict that consumer prices will be up more than 26% this year due to inflation and increased costs for retailers and manufacturers. If you missed the Black Friday sales or you’re just looking for discounts on merchandise, services or activities in the New Year, check out the deals that Transocean offers through Discount Marketplace. Here are just a few examples of some of the great discounts on the site:

Charting a Path to Prevention: Keeping Holiday Stress Under Wraps

With the holiday season, December can be a festive and exciting month. But the holidays can also be incredibly stressful, especially if you have a long list of to-dos and plan on spending time with family — or if the holidays are just a challenging, lonely time for you. With all of the expectations and activities leading up to the New Year, you can end up feeling overwhelmed and exhausted instead of relaxed and recharged while you’re off work.

Smart Year-End Moves for Your Financial Well-Being

As we head into the end of the year, it’s a good time to take stock of your financial situation and determine what you’d like to accomplish around your finances in the New Year. Maybe 2022 is the year you’d like to move into a new home, start building a family, pay off credit card debt or increase your retirement contributions. You don’t have to wait until January to get organized and determine your financial resolutions — in fact, most financial experts recommend getting organized at year end as a way to be more successful in meeting your goals.

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