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September 26, 2023

Explore: How Small Steps Lead to Big Changes!

It’s the New Year, a time when many of us decide to make resolutions. We resolve to lose weight, eat healthier, give up bad habits, accomplish our financial goals—and the list goes on and on. But how many of us can look back at years past and say that we accomplished all of our resolutions? Not many of us!

Your Benefits at Work: Living Healthy in the New Year

For many of us, 2020 was a year of great change—adapting to doing basically everything from home to limit our exposure to others and stay healthy. We worked from home, we taught our kids from home, we cooked and ate at home, and many of us gained weight at home.

Charting a Path to Prevention: Mental Well-Being – Habits to Build Resiliency

Right now, we could all use a strategy to help us achieve better mental health and keep our minds focused on better times ahead. Start by practicing habits that build resiliency.

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