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Charting a Path to Prevention: Vision Wellness

March is Workplace Eye Wellness Month! Whether you work at a desk in front of a computer or on a rig, this is a great reminder to all of us to get our annual eye wellness checkups and protect our eyes while we are on the job.

According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), about 2,000 U.S. workers sustain a job-related eye injury each day that requires medical treatment, and almost all of these injuries are avoidable.

Tips for offshore worker eye safety

Here are some tips for those working on rigs and in other areas where you may encounter hazardous materials.

Always wear the appropriate safety eyewear for your job site or role to protect your eyes from chemicals or flying objects and debris, including when you are working:

  • In an area with particles or dust.
  • With chemicals and other dangerous substances.
  • Around hazardous radiation like welding or fiber optics.

Be sure to take precautions—even if you are only passing through a hazardous area—and use special-purpose safety goggles and helmets designed specifically for the task. All specific requirements to keep your eyes safe while offshore are documented in the HSE policy. Please defer to the HSE policy for all details.

Tips for computer eye safety

Here are some tips from to help you protect your eyes while working at a computer:

  1. Adjust your screen. Reposition your screen to be at a right angle away from any direct light source. Invest in an anti-glare screen for your monitor to make computer work gentler on your eyes.
  2. Remember the 20-20-20 rule. This rule reminds you that every 20 minutes, you should look at an object at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.
  3. Don’t forget to blink. While it may sound ridiculous, write yourself a note and place it on your monitor. Write “Blink Often” or any other message that will remind you to regularly close your eyes to keep them from getting dried out.
  4. Use artificial tears. Over-the-counter eye drops can be extremely helpful in preventing dry eye and keeping your eyes comfortable.
  5. Drink water. Adequate hydration can make a big difference, especially during the winter months when heaters and furnaces can make the air particularly dry.

Schedule your annual eye exam

No matter where you work and what precautions you need to take on the job, make sure you schedule your annual eye exam. Nothing is more important than having a regular comprehensive eye exam by a licensed ophthalmologist. An annual exam can help you prevent or detect and treat eye conditions, like glaucoma or cataracts.    

Enrolled in the Transocean Vision Plan? See the U.S. Benefits Guide to review what’s covered under your plan.  

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