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September 26, 2023

Charting a Path to Prevention: Simple Things You Can Do to Promote Wellness

August is National Wellness Month, the perfect time to look at your wellness routine and think about making a few changes. It doesn’t have to be a huge change to see real benefits—in fact, it is much smarter to start small and add as you go.

Explore: Prevention and Vaccinations

August is National Immunization month, and what better time than the present to talk about prevention and vaccinations. Receiving vaccinations is critical to ensuring your good health and the health of those around you. After all, if it weren’t for vaccines, some of the deadliest diseases would have taken out much of the U.S. and global populations. Thanks to modern science, we can stop the spread of disease and keep everyone safe!

Your Benefits at Work: Many Tools and Resources for You

You know Transocean offers you competitive benefits, but do you also know about all of the tools and resources Transocean offers you to help you understand and use your benefits wisely? If you need a refresher, start by visiting, where you’ll find resources like Benefits Guides and sites devoted to educating you about the Health Savings Account (HSA) and your well-being!

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Get answers from the Transocean Benefits Center by logging into your account and selecting Need Help Now, or by telephone at 1 855 RIG 5005 or +1 646 259 0401.