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Charting a Path to Prevention: Simple Things You Can Do to Promote Wellness

August is National Wellness Month, the perfect time to look at your wellness routine and think about making a few changes. It doesn’t have to be a huge change to see real benefits—in fact, it is much smarter to start small and add as you go.

Here are a few things you can do to get started on your renewed wellness journey:

Get up and move

Adding movement to your day can help give your body endorphins and brighten your outlook on life. If going to the gym feels daunting, start small:

  • Play your favorite song, close your eyes and move to the music for a few minutes.
  • Climb the stairs a few times.
  • Walk your dog an extra block.

Connect with others

Social connectedness is critical for your total well-being, but it’s not always easy. Try these tips to get started:

  • Connect with one person each day via Facebook or email. Ask them how they are doing and share a little about your day, too.
  • Volunteer at a local animal shelter and walk a dog or pet a cat.
  • Make an in-person donation to a local food bank.
  • Fill a bag with usable clothes and take it to the Salvation Army or Goodwill. Talk with the volunteer who takes your donation and give them a warm thank you.

Be grateful

We sometimes focus only on what is wrong with our lives, and we forget to think about all the things that are going well. Focusing on the good can bring you happiness and help you get through challenging times.

  • Make a list of things you are grateful for each morning.
  • Think back to a time when someone did something kind or helpful for you. Thank them in an email or letter. You may just make their day.
  • Pay it forward by doing one kind thing for someone each day.
  • Compliment someone on their work, dress or sense of humor.

Add an element

Many times, adding simple things to your daily routine can be very helpful. Here are a few to try:

  • Add a short meditation session to your daily routine.
  • Drink plenty of water, but don’t over-hydrate. Getting enough water is more important than we think. But some medications make us very thirsty and drinking too much water is not good for you either. Fill a container with your eight glasses and make sure you drink it during the day.
  • Make sure you get outside. We all benefit from having a little time in the sun, but don’t forget your sunscreen.

If you were thinking of trying something new, there’s no time like the present to get started! A renewed focus on wellness can help you build resiliency and live better each day. It all starts with one small step. Make it count!

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