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Charting a Path to Prevention: Cancer Awareness


Many of our lives have been touched by cancer. You may know or have known someone with cancer, or you may have even battled the disease yourself. For most of us, it is a word we hear often, but it still strikes fear into our hearts, especially when it involves ourselves or someone we love.

According to the American Cancer Society, about 606,520 people are expected to die from cancer in 2020. Regular screening can help find certain cancers early when they are most likely to be treated successfully. That’s why prevention is so important.  

What can you do to help prevent cancer?

We all know that there is no sure-fire way to prevent cancer, but there are many steps you can take to lower your odds of getting cancer and live a long, healthy life:

Get Your Preventive Screenings

Start by getting your preventive screenings. December 7-11 is officially Cancer Screen Week, a public health initiative to increase awareness of the benefits of screening for early detection of certain cancers. But you don’t have to wait until December to schedule your screenings. Make your appointments today, before the busy holiday season get started.

Not sure what screenings you need? Check out this Cancer Screening Fact Sheet found on for an easy-to-read list of the recommended cancer preventive screening by gender and age. And don’t forget about your annual physical!

Think your too young for a screening? You may be surprised. Some screenings are recommended as early as age 21, especially when you have family members with a history of cancer, which puts you at greater risk.

Your Transocean medical plan covers preventive care at 100% when you see an in-network doctor.

Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Easier said than done, right? Just remember, you don’t have to overhaul your entire routine overnight. That never works, and it can actually be harder on your body. Try taking baby steps:

Trying to eat healthier? Start by cutting out fried foods or sweets—or by introducing more green veggies or fruits into your diet. Don’t try to change your entire diet and go from cheeseburgers and fries to fish and broccoli in one day. Work your way there gradually, and don’t forget to give yourself cheat meals once in a while. It’s not sustainable to eat perfectly healthy 24/7.

Trying to exercise more? Maybe you eat pretty clean, but exercise is your weak link. Start with a 15-minute walk or a 20-minute weight-lifting session and work your way up over several weeks. Don’t start too fast or you may injure yourself and risk putting yourself completely out of commission.  

Trying to quit smoking? This is a hard one, but people do it every day! If you need help quitting smoking, there are many programs out there that can help. Consult your doctor for options available to you and note that many smoking cessation drugs are considered preventive and may be covered 100% on the Transocean medical plan.

Limit Your Sun Exposure

The sunlight can be good for you. It’s a great source of Vitamin D and can elevate your mood. So, you don’t need to completely avoid the sun. Just  limit your exposure and protect your skin with a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB radiation.

Don’t forget there are preventive screenings for your skin, too! It’s also a good idea to visit a dermatologist on a regular basis to have your skin checked. This is especially important when you have a fair complexion. But regardless of skin type, everyone should get checked.

These are only a few steps you can take that help prevent cancer. To learn more about preventing cancer or to participate in Cancer Screening Week, visit

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